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Our new normal

Our new normal

So where do we go from here?  Our nation is battling racism, police brutality, a major pandemic that have claimed over 187,000 lives and a financial crisis like no other.  Most of us have been stuck in our homes since March and have no clue if we are going to let our children go back to school or if we will have jobs.  The only thing that is consistent in this situation is that it is consistently inconsistent.  How are we suppose to live and take care of our families in such uncertainty? 


1.  Take a deep breathe and realize things will be ok.  Sometimes we have to sit and be still in our situations so that we can hear from our higher power on what to do. Take this time to mediate and seek what should you do next. 

2.  Take it day by day. If you are like me, I'm a planner.  I'm a wife, mother, caretaker and business owner...this is a lot for even Superwoman at times but i have learned through this pandemic to take it day by day.  My schedule can be hectic but I have found thinking too far ahead stresses me out.  So make yourself a list of what you need to accomplish today and do those things...tomorrow will have another list waiting for you so why stress yourself out. 


3.  Get creative....If you have lost your job.  Get creative!!!  Look at your strengths and weaknesses...are you good with crafts. Are you a good organizer?  Take those strengths and monetize them.  My cousin is one of the best cooks in our family....she took that skill and monetized it and now she works for herself and makes way more than she did working for someone else. 


4. Try to adapt some new positive habits such as exercising, reading or something that you have longed to do but never had the time to do.  Dont let this situation get you down.....

5.  Stay in contact with your friends and family.  Dont get depressed, stay in contact with those people that are gonna uplift you and keep you motivated.  We must be able to have a shoulder to lean on and be a shoulder for others.  


So take a deep breath, take it day by day and get creative, adapt some new habits or hobbies and stay connected to our family and friends.  Im sure if you do these things and not worry yourself with the negative things and thoughts that is in the air these days,  you will be fine.  


Stay Blessed

Kim Beasley


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